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Confessions of Shameless Self Promoters (Book)

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The people you need to know: do they know you?
Do they know all that you do?
All that you can do?

Do they get what you got?

If not, chances are you haven’t told them. You need to: NOW.

You need to become an active personal marketer.

You need to become a clearinghouse of information about yourself.

You need to become a shameless self promoter.

A remarkable resource to help you educate others about your value – effectively, efficiently, and shamelessly – is the book entitled Confessions of Shameless Self Promoters.

Get this anthology, and you get the wisdom of 68 self-marketing masters on how to promote your services, your products and yourself efficiently, effectively and, in many cases, effortlessly.

You’ll get skills, strategies and shortcuts on how to pinpoint and promote your personal brand, use your website to “Wow!” key prospects, attract and make the most of media attention, build a powerful referral base, how best to reach out to your niche and your network – and a whole lot more.

Review my chapter, and you’ll discover practical, yet powerful ways you can differentiate yourself, establish your expertise, present yourself with pizzazz and add magic to your message.

Reading Confessions of Shameless Self Promoters is like taking an advanced course in personal selling.

Perhaps you never thought of yourself as a personal salesman, or saleswoman.

Think again.

First and foremost, you don’t sell furniture or fabric or futons.

First and foremost, you sell yourself.

The most financially-successful interior design professionals aren’t necessarily the best interior designers. They haven’t necessarily won the most awards, nor received the most degrees.

They’re simply the best self promoters. They are masters at marketing themselves.

You, too, can become a self-marketing master, and Confessions of Shameless Self Promoters will show you how.

One of your key takeaways from this fascinating book will be to think of self promotion not as “bragging,” but rather as a wonderful way to educate others about who you are and what you do.

If you’re committed to success in these competitive needs, you must be committed to promoting yourself.

Invest in Confessions of Shameless Self Promoters, and you’ll learn how to fulfill that commitment.

Confessions of Shameless Self Promoters (Book)

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